Special Programs and Intensives


Join us for the return of our highly anticipated Directing Actors Intensive. Eugene Ma is joining forces with directors Jasmin Mozaffari and Vanessa Matsui as well as intimacy expert Siobhan Richardson and casting star Colleen Rush. Prepare to be busy with 8 days full of coaching, a full casting process and workshop with a casting director, table work, intimacy direction, mentored shoots, feedback, and more. From casting to production, this intensive is the perfect way to level up your professional directing or acting skills.

Dates: January 13-20, 2024 (see comprehensive schedule below)

Location: 863 Broadview Ave - at The Atelier

Cost: $1025 for directors $565 for actors - all inclusive - payment plans available

Saturday the 13th - 1-5pm (Directors only) Acting for Directors with Eugene

Sunday the 14th - 12:30-5pm (ALL - actors join) Casting Day

Monday the 15th - 1-5pm (Directors only) Directing actors 6-9pm (Actors only) - Audition Feedback and On Camera Workshop

Tuesday the 16th. 10am-1PM (ALL) FILM Scene PREP 2-6pm (ALL) Intimacy Coordination

Wednesday the 17th - 10-6pm (ALL - actors based on call time) FILM round shoot day with Eugene and Jasmin

Thursday the 18th - 12-6pm (ALL) Directing actors with Eugene and Vanessa - TV round simulation

Friday the 19th - 10-6pm (ALL- actors based on call time) TV round shoot day with Eugene and Vanessa

Saturday the 20th - Editing day. Viewing party 6:30-8:30pm (ALL) + Q+A/feedback 8:30-10pm. (ALL)

To apply, please send us a brief letter of motivation, your current creative resume/CV, and your current reel if applicable to manager@performanceatelier.ca

The deadline to apply for the intensive is January 12th at 11:59pm

We can't wait to review your applications!

PILOT PROGRAM: BFA/MFA full application consultation and audition coaching

12+ hours FLEXIBLE - Zoom AND In-PERSON To be schedule at time of enrollment to fit your application timeline

With Eugene and Guests

Program Cost: $1299

This program aims to demystify the application process to selective (audition/portfolio-based) acting and directing MFA/BFA programs by providing consultations, material review, coaching, panels and mock auditions/interviews with the inside knowledge of the selection process. Eugene has taught at some of the most selective MFA and BFA programs in North America, and will candidly help you focus your application materials to fully represent what you will bring to the work at these programs. We will also bring in guests instructors who are current/past faculty members as well as a panel of graduates of these programs so you may be able to get another point of view into how your work is received, as well as have a platform to ask candid questions from admissions process queries to student life and school experiences so the candidates are not only equipped to slay these auditions and application deadlines, but to also be as informed as they can possibly be about these programs and paths before deciding to commit years of their lives to this craft!